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Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have never been under tornado watch before, and let me just tell you, it was the coolest & scariest thing ever! There were twisters all around us but not one hit Forney, thank-goodness! dad was driving home from work and me, mom, and Tim were all really worried. The three of us, and our 3 animals, all got in the downstairs bathroom (our safe place) with blankets while we listened to the news. Me & mom were fairly calm, but poor Tim was holding all the animals and couldn't stop crying. He kept saying things like "We're going to die!" "Where is dad at?! Is he ok?". But most of all he was worried about our kitten, Sprout who kept trying to run out of the bathroom. When dad got home he was totally calm and said that they were no longer near us anymore and we were safe. YAY!

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