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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Camie's pool party

On May 18 Camie turned 16! He's a big boy now so we decided to throw him
a lil party. We invited the MC and their families and we all went to the pool for swimming, cake, and presents. We had a blast!

Me & Camie

The whole group.

Me & Amber. Mmmm delicious.

Me & My Love Taylor.

Scott decided that since I was small it was okay for him
to throw me around in the pool. NOT okay!

Dad throwing Nana in!! Aaaah!!

Me & Tim

Ben, Carlie, & Grant Gilbert

Zack & dad.

Perkins & Scotty

Camie & his sister. Aaaw.

Cameron & Amber

Me kissing Carlie.

Scott got cake on Camie. He doesn't look too happy...

Payback Time!

Camie, Amber, Scott, Me, & Carlie

1 comment:

  1. Maggie I LOVE your blog!!!! You're so awesome. I had a great time with y'all at camp, I hope we can keep in touch...
    My blog's private, so email me your email adresss so I can invite you. Mine's lauraannefarmer@gmail.com Again I just LOOOVE your blog!
