We attended the ForneyHighstepper (drill team) Spring Show tonight. We went to watch some girls from church - particularly, Carlie . Then after the show mom took us out to eat in Mesquite. Yummy...Johnny Carinos!
Camie, Amber, Carlie, Me, Zack
Camie, Amber, Me
Jammin' in Amber's car
The MC (minus Scottie)
See Food!
Camie's One True Love!!
Carlie licking my face with her turtle cheesecake tongue!
i love... sleeping in the car when its cold, how it smells outside at 3 or 4 in the morning, sugary stuff at the bottom of a cinnamon life cereal box, the smell of febreeze, kool-aid, gasoline, & sharpies. Chocolate milk, when my dad laughs & you can see his crows feet, chinese yo-yo's, playing in the rain, running my fingers through peoples hair, the noise of a guitar talking, oreos & milk, when a guy has a REALLY defined jawline, rings, vanilla ice cream with Nesquik on top, HOT ROD, guys that wear jewelry, cheese tortellini, haley, Johnny Carino's rasberry lemonade, my dad's scrambled eggs, SUPERMAN!!!!, fluffernutters, A&E, popcorn & applejuice, the name Adam, rollercoasters, KOOL-AID (the red kind), playing dress up, feeling the car vibrate when the music is REALLY loud, dancing, CHOCOLATE CHIP TEDDY GRAHAMS, sliding across the tile with socks on, plastic spoons, laughing til I cry, spinning in rolley-chairs, hugs, & being sarcastic!